Saturday, December 13, 2008

Cheese cures all

Our dear sweet dog is getting old, by Mastiff standards, and has more aches and pains than she would like. She runs up and down the stairs a lot too - to greet people or check on the kids. She tweaked her shoulder a few weeks ago and it wasn't improving. As with the last time she did this - the remedy is doggie Celebrex, actually called Rimadyl. She is a much happier dog for it. To give her her meds we wrap them up in a piece of Kraft singles. She knows these reside in the fridge - she has put together the fact that shortly after she eats the cheese she feels now when the pain starts to come back, she goes to the fridge and pokes at it until we feed her. 

These meds aren't cheap, if only we could use the cheese as a placebo we'd be golden. :)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Hey, dogs believe in Santa, too!

Twitter keeps me busy when I have a few free minutes. I have discovered several new doggie stuff sites! Here's a good one, no matter what breed you have!

Paw Luxury - Eco-Living for the Everyday Dog which even has a bed big enough for the Mushy Dog! 

Friday, November 28, 2008


One bummer about having a Mastiff is that their life expectancy is much shorter than a smaller dog. Little aches and pains take on more import with a big dog - a little arthritis in the shoulder means harder time going up and down the stairs. With a smaller dog this is inconvenient but if you had to you could carry the dog back downstairs...with a giant dog this isn't really feasible. Mushy isn't old yet but she is getting creakier has started favoring her right foot. She is the most wonderful pet I have ever had and I can't quite imagine what life beyond her at her best will be like. Sigh.


Yes, she is sitting on the foot stool!